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We are still in development, but we would love for you to take Taktify out for a spin and tell us what you think.
Taktify est le seul logiciel du marché dédié spécifiquement à l'embellissement de l'impression numérique market et utilise une intelligence artificielle avancée pour proposer des prix de vente supportables sur le marché des pièces finies en fonction de la localisation géographique des imprimantes._d04a07d8-9cd1 -3239-9149-20813d6c673b_
Beta Testing Phases:
The beta testing program will have three phases:
Phase 1: Onboarding and Initial Testing
The initial phase of the beta testing program will focus on getting you onboarded to the software and ensuring that it works seamlessly. We will provide you with a detailed tutorial on how to use the software and answer any questions that you may have. You will then have the opportunity to test the software and provide feedback on your experience.
Phase 2: Testing and Feedback
During the second phase of the beta testing program, you will have access to the full version of the software. You will be expected to use Taktify in your day-to-day business operations and provide feedback on its performance. We will be collecting feedback on the following areas:
Accuracy of production cost estimation
The effectiveness of market selling price recommendations
User-friendliness and ease of use
Performance and speed
Bugs, glitches, or other issues that may affect performance
Phase 3: Final Testing and Feedback
In the final phase of the beta testing program, we will incorporate the feedback that we have received and test the software to ensure that all issues have been addressed. We will also request that you provide feedback on the updated version of the software.

Beta Tester Benefits:
As a beta tester, you will receive the following benefits:
Early access to Taktify before its official launch
The opportunity to provide feedback and shape the final version of the software
Access to the Taktify team for support and assistance
Recognition on our website and social media channels for your participation in the beta testing program
A one year free Pro subscription on the software once it is officially launched

Requirements to Participate:
To participate in the Taktify beta testing program, you must meet the following requirements:
Be a business owner or estimator in a business that uses digital embellishment equipment
Currently accepting Inkjet Based Embellishment such as MGI Jetvarnish and Scodix Users​
Have access to the internet and a computer or mobile device to access the software
Be able to provide detailed and constructive feedback on the software's performance